Separating Stigma from Psychosis

Summer Teen Program

For ages 13 - 18

Coordinated Specialty Care Summer Program for teens with symptoms of a thought disorder

Tuesday Outings (12-3:15pm)

Starting 6/20 – Aug 8

  • Teen Brain Training (in office)
  • Outings (museums, hikes, etc) 
  • Led by therapists
  • Real World Application 
  • Managing Symptoms
  • Family Psychoeducation Course

Thursday (10-3:15pm)

Starting 6/15 – Aug 3

Thursdays are “didactic” days. Teens will have Specialty Groups that only we offer with not a minute wasted – including 4 Modalities: DBT+, MCT, SCIT, SST; Computer-Assisted Brain Training, Individual Case Management, and Social Skills Lunch led by therapists.

No other Treatment Center offers this type of Care for Thought Disorders